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  • Various gifts, flowers, and colors have been associated with certain anniversaries for centuries. We have listed the traditional gifts, flowers, and colors for each anniversary.

  • A brief description of many of the common Christian wedding traditions, the wedding ceremony, and aspects of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

  • An extensive list of Celtic wedding traditions. Many of these traditions have bled over into other cultures, such as the tradition of "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue".

  • The Indian culture celebrates marriage as a sacrament (Saṃskāra), a rite enabling two individuals to start their journey in life together. In a Hindu wedding, the multiplicity of creation becomes possible when spirit (Purusha) unites with matter (Prakṛti). Sometimes stretching as long as a week, Indian weddings are rich with symbolism and traditions.

  • A description of the various Muslim and Islamic Wedding Traditions from aorund the world.

  • Visual symbols originating in Africa used extensively in fabrics, pottery, logos, and weddings. Adinkra symbols are a unique expression of African heritage.

  • Celtic Symbols of Ireland and Scotland can be used to express your Irish or Scottish pride at your Celtic themed wedding or hand fasting ceremony.

  • Enlightenment broadly means wisdom or understanding enabling clarity of perception. In religious use, enlightenment is most closely associated with South and East Asian religious experience, being used to translate words such as (in Buddhism) bodhi or satori, or (in Hinduism) moksha.

  • A collection of wedding program examples and Hindu wedding ceremony program wording ideas.  

  • Explore wedding program examples and wedding ceremony program wording for an Orthodox Wedding. Wedding ceremonies in the Orthodox Church are an ancient and meaningful service that has been celebrated in its present form for centuries. The service is abundant with symbolism that reflect marriage: Love, Mutual Respect, Equality and Sacrifice. There is generally two portions of the ceremony: The Service of the Crowning and the Service of the Betrothal. Many of these wedding program templates give an explanation of both.

  • Marriage in a Catholic Church is one of the seven sacred sacraments, and generally adheres to a basic set of rituals and traditions.

  • A traditional Jewish wedding is full of meaningful rituals, symbolizing the beauty of the relationship of husband and wife, as well as their obligations to each other and to the Jewish people. A Jewish wedding program can explain wedding rituals to the guests in attendance. Some of the most common rituals in a Jewish wedding include the Kabbalat Panim (Opening Reception), the Badeken, the Chuppah, Kiddushin, Presentation of the Ring, the Ketubah, the Sheva Brachot (Seven Blessings), the Breaking the Glass, Yichud and the Seudat Nissuin (Festive Meal).

  • Marriages in the African American community sometimes feature a few aspects not commonly seen in other cultures - namely the "Jumping of the Broom" ceremony. Explore program wording and ideas on how you can incorporate this aspect of your ceremony into the program, and explain to your guests the meaning and history behind this segment of your wedding.

  • Sometimes it's hard to come up with the words to express your gratitude to your guests. Here's a variety of Thank You Note wording and examples to get you started.

  • If you're having trouble coming up with Remembrance or "In Loving Memory of" wording, we have a few sampels to get you started.

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